Volume 08

200 pages
USD 100
The brain of one man, research shows, is markedly different from other people. He went through a remarkable change when, suddenly one day, the incessant noise in his mind stopped and became completely quiet. With his “monkey mind” still, he processes life differently. Researchers have discovered that the brains of Buddhist monks and others who have gone through many hours of meditation training show similar changes. Their examples present interesting case studies of the effect of training our minds to be at rest, freed from negative thoughts and emotions. The notion that such changes are possible raises optimism about man’s pursuit of happiness as well as for the future of mankind. How different life would be if we could live in this state of mind.

What is Rest?
The Rest Test
Work and Rest as Partners
In Praise of Idleness
Thriving in Uncertainty
Nature Resting
The Quest for Quies Mentis
Meditation: "What Am I?"
Self-Realization in Neo-Confucianism
In Poetry
Happiness Beyond Thought
The Resting State of the Brain
The Calming Power of Music
Spring Again after a Long Winter