Volume 02

Central to the search for ars vitae, or the art of life, is the question “who am I and how should I live?” This has been a perennial conundrum of mankind ever since we developed self-consciousness, and is one of the central subjects of religion, philosophy and literature. In ARS VITAE Volume 2, we posed the question to writers and artists from various walks of life: What is a true self and how do you attain it? The answers we received are truly wide-ranging. An artist describes it as a process of letting go of worldly concerns and emptying himself. His art is about erasing all the words on the newspaper with a pen and a pencil. A corporate CEO talks about the experience of facing himself for the first time in his life when he was abruptly let go by his company.

Connecting With Oneness
Ariadne's Thread And The Labyrinth
Emptying The Mind
Achieving Harmony Through Tea
Hermann Hesse, A Lifelong Search
All The Different MEs Inside Of Me
Confessions Of Unparalleled Musicians
Summer Sky
The Ars Vitae Of Confucianism
In Search Of Our Self
What We Hear In Silence
What Men Live By
Are You Saying I Can Fly?
Transcending The Self With A Brush
A Creation Of The Brain
Sprituality And Science
Meditative Spaces